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Custom Branded Welcome Pack

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Our Custom Branded Welcome Pack is a handy guide that you can use to introduce your new client to your business, thank them for choosing you and provide some all-important nutritional and training guidelines and resources.

Providing a welcome pack sets your business apart and provides a fantastic customer experience the moment a new or prospective client comes into contact with your business.

 Be that online or in person.

That, all-important first impression is when they will cast judgement on your level of professionalism and the service expectancies going forward.

Start off on the right foot.

The Benefits

  • It gives a great first impression
  • It shows you take your business professionally
  • It allows you to include all important information in one place.
  • Sets you apart from your competitors who don’t do this
  • Saves time by helping you to streamline your client onboarding process
  • A Welcome Pack can be an inexpensive but practical way of starting your relationship with your client.
  • It gives you an opportunity to cross-sell and draw reference to the other services or products you provide within your business.


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    Why You Should Use A Client Welcome Pack

    Making a good first impression is one of the best ways to foster a healthy coach/client relationship. As a coach, consistently building upon these relationships helps keep clients happy and in your using your services for the long haul. 

    Losing a client in the early stages of this relationship can be costly for your coaching business.

    Here are some cold hard facts.

    82% of people report feeling regret or guilt over a purchase.

    This is what we call buyers remorse.

    A cognitive battle of consumption is waging a neural war inside of your head.

    One, called the avoidance system, tells you to avoid risks and negative consequences. Given that most people have, at some point in their training life had a bad experience of personal training this is a biggie.

    The other, the approach system, tells you to do whatever makes you happy in that moment and right now when that client is wanting to sign up with you the outcome you’re potentially going to provide is going to make them happy, very happy.

    When a client becomes aware of your services, they feel a heightened sense of endless possibility, excitement, and desire, and they put pen to paper and sign up.

    Post-purchase, that approach system “boost” that you had dies down, and the avoidance system comes rushing back in. Suddenly and violently, you’re confronted with all the suppressed consequences of your action.

    They start to wonder if they can do what’s expected of them

    They wonder if they could do this all themselves without your help.

    They wonder if you’re the right coach for them and if you truly care and can truly help them achieve new goals.

    They also start to compare you to past experiences.

    That’s why it’s critical that the first point of contact with you after they’ve bought in eliminates all doubt.

    It’s not when you see them next as at that point they’ve gone home, asked all those questions, and you hope they come to the answer that’s best for your business.

    If not, they change their mind.

    They view you through the same lens as their past coach, something that takes you weeks to correct if you’re lucky enough to continue working with them.

    First, second, and all future impressions count. In the world of online and face-to-face coaching, what makes you stand out?

    Answer yourself this.

    Why do estate agents send costly WELCOME PACKS to new tenants, AFTER they’ve paid a six or seven-figure sum for a house?

    Because people remember details.

    They tell their friends about how good the estate agent was, only remembering two things, the elation and happiness of getting their keys and the hamper they received after opening their door.

    Why does room service fold the end of your toilet roll?

    That excitement of signing up and that feeling they have when you speak to them.

    Replicated, moments or hours later as they receive their CUSTOM BRANDED CLIENT WELCOME PACK

    A personalised welcome reiterating why they’ve chosen you.

    Page after page of useful information that saves you time and effort repeating yourself and answering common (often seen as stupid) questions. Questions your clients don’t get answered because they’re too embarrassed to ask.

    A resource, a go-to reference document that highlights your level of professionalism and service.

    A document that answers the all-important questions all clients have.

    Something that fills that time between them signing up and engaging in their first session or receiving their first plan or program.

    Important education to help them understand:

    Lifestyle Considerations


    Energy Expenditure


    Nutritional Considerations

    Food Quality

    Food Labels

    The Traffic Light System



    Eating Out


    Training Plans and how you track progress.

    All delivered as a professionally designed and fully licensed 29-page PDF, so you can print it or digitally deliver it to all of your clients.

    A custom introduction to the book signed off professionally with your name and signature.

    Your brand logo, colours and website are featured throughout the document.

    You’ll also be glad to know that all of our products come with fully licensed imagery unlike many of our competitors. This ensures that the copyright infringement police won’t be knocking on your door with hefty fines. 

    The Welcome Pack includes much of the content you will find in our lead capture assets,  Eating Out, Calorie and Cooking Skills Guides. It is intended as a client document, not as a piece of lead capture.