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ACA Coaching Assets

Custom Branded Calorie Guide

Saturday 23rd November, Third Space, Canary Wharf, London

Your very own client-facing guide is tailored to assist in educating your clients about their caloric intake.

Ideal as a piece of lead capture. 

  • Welcome page
  • What are calories?
  • Are all calories created equally?
  • Energy Density and the foods you eat.
  • Satiety
  • Taste
  • Understanding energy expenditure
  • Understanding food labels.
  • Acquisition of food (With hints for eating out)
  • Creation of food

Sleep is arguably the most significant metric in human performance that has the most scope to make not marginal but vast changes.

If you’re a coach who isn’t implementing systems and implementing strategies to improve your clients' sleep and addressing their nervous systems (stress management), you're falling behind.

These change macro numbers, not micro numbers.

it's impact is profound

Improved sleep and nervous system management improves health markers across mental, heart, metabolic health and lowers cancer risk. 

Sleep dysfunction arises from a complex interplay of biological, neurological, psychological, and lifestyle factors.

When we consider the desire and need for performance outcomes, this is a particular issue for those in high-stress jobs, shift workers, professional athletes and service personnel.

For our basic sleep and wake biology to function, we need the correct materials at the right concentration, delivered to the correct tissues and organs at the right time of day.

This is about respecting circadian biology, regulating our nervous system and delivering the correct nutrients at the correct time.

If we intend to push beyond the basic cognitive and physical requirements, we need to use our understanding of science, and technology to do so.


This one-day seminar aims to educate and supplement your days so you can operate within these high parameters without compromising overall health.

To give you foundational and advanced education on the topic and an arsenal of tools to help yourself and the clients you deal with.

In today’s fast-paced world, we all strive to outperform our past selves. To become better and to cognitively and physically challenge ourselves. In this pursuit, there is often a physiological and psychological trade-off and cost as we overly tax our nervous systems, compromising key components of our health, and we often resort to sticking plasters such as stimulants and depressants to try and prop up our waking and sleeping hours.


The resultant impact on our mental and physical health and well-being becomes significant. We will explore the links with sleep and how this influences our carcinogenic, anxiogenic and obesogenic environments.

We will look at and provide practical and varied solutions that consider the practicalities of modern life and our differing lifestyles and commitments.

Improve relationships with your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. We need to understand and implement measurement tools and wearable technology that consider metrics such as heart rate variability. Wearable ECGs and consumer-grade technology. 

sign up now


You will understand how to implement a personal strategy addressing your nervous system and sleep management. 

Understand critical metrics that link sleep with acute and chronic conditions and increase injury and accident risk. 

Improve your emotional responsiveness and decision-making ability, impacting your work and home life.

Understand the advantages and disadvantages of stimulants and depressants and learn how to manage them more strategically. 

Improve your ability to function cognitively and physically throughout every day. 

Improve your ability to sleep more consistently and how to improve your sleep environment and hygiene.

Understand how supplemental ingredients can improve these metrics and how to select the correct forms and quality of ingredients.

and much more......

Each delegate will also leave with support material and a goody bag full of tools to assist with ongoing management.We will also offer preferential rates, discounts and business opportunities through our select partners.